Thursday, July 28, 2011

Opening the Boxx

    I have been thinking about this for a while. It started while touring. Dudes saying stupid, inappropriate, sexist comments to me about being a drummer. At first I would get defensive, engage them in conversation, or get angry and tell them to get lost. I wanted to create a better outlet for myself and my friends to deal with sexism, particularly within the music community. I started compiling my own stories of ridiculousness and frustration dealing with sexism in relation to being a musician. I asked around to friends who play music as well to share their stories and several people responded. Seems I wasn’t the only one with this experience.
    I want to use this blog as a means, hopefully, for other women to share experiences, get support and learn posi ways to cope with sexism, and build community, particularly within the music scene, but also, in general, cuz sexism is a real thing that we have to deal with all the time. I also want to use this blog to share things I am stoked about concerning music and art, specifically focusing on other ladies doing their thang and bringing it in a real way. 
Ashley Spungin.